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Kerala SSLC Result 2024 : Published on 08.05.2024 Download Pdf


 The Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan will release the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) result published on May 8, 2024. SSLC result will be announced around 03:00 PM Today. Kerala SSLC exam was held from March 4 to March 25, 2024. The result will be announced by State Education Minister V Sivankutty at a press conference.

Today marks a momentous day for students across the state of Kerala as the much-awaited SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) results have been announced. The SSLC examination, conducted by the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan, is a crucial milestone in the academic journey of every student. With bated breath and anticipation, students have finally received the outcomes of their hard work and dedication. This article explores the significance of the Kerala SSLC result and the impact it has on the students' future.

Keywords : Kerala SSLC Result Download Today , Kerala SSLC Result Pdf 2024 , Kerala SSLC Result Download 2024 , Kerala SSLC Result Downlaod 08.05.2024 , Kerala 10th Class Result 2024

The Importance of Kerala SSLC:

The SSLC examination holds immense importance in the educational system of Kerala. It serves as a gateway for students to pursue higher education in various streams such as science, commerce, and humanities. Additionally, the SSLC result plays a vital role in determining eligibility for scholarships and other financial assistance programs. This examination is not only a test of knowledge but also a reflection of the students' capabilities and potential.

To check the Kerala SSLC result for the year 2024, you can follow the steps  below:

Visit the official website: Go to the official website of the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan. The website is the primary source for accessing SSLC results. The website URL is or

  • Look for the SSLC result link: On the homepage of the website, search for the link related to the SSLC examination result for the year 2024. The link might be labeled as "SSLC Result 2024" or something similar.
  • Click on the result link: Once you locate the SSLC result link, click on it to proceed to the result checking page.
  • Enter the required details: On the result checking page, you will be prompted to enter certain details. Typically, you will need to provide your SSLC examination roll number and date of birth. Make sure to enter the correct information in the respective fields.
  • Submit and view the result: After entering the required details, click on the "Submit" or "View Result" button to access your SSLC result for 2024.
  • Save and print the result: Once the result is displayed on the screen, it is recommended to save a digital copy or take a screenshot for future reference. You can also print a hard copy of the result if needed.

The announcement of the Kerala SSLC result is an occasion that brings mixed emotions of excitement, relief, and sometimes, apprehension. It represents the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance by students across the state. It is crucial to celebrate the achievements of students while also recognizing that examination results do not solely define a student's capabilities. The SSLC result is just one milestone in a lifelong journey of learning and growth. As these young minds embark on their future endeavors, let us wish them success, resilience, and a bright future ahead.

Step to check the SSLC Result 2024 Kerala via SMS

Today will be huge traffic of students trying to check their SSLC Result 2024 Kerala after the release so the official website may go down. Hence, the exam board has also provided the facility of checking the results via SMS. Students can follow the steps listed below to check the Kerala 10th Result 2024 via SMS.

  • Open the SMS application on your mobile.
  • Type the message in the format given below-
  • For 10th: Kerala10<space>Roll_Number
  • Send it to 56263.
  • The result will be reverted as an SMS on the same number

Kerala SSLC Result Download 08.05.2024 ; More website to Available SSLC Result 2024

The Grading System:

The Kerala SSLC result is typically evaluated using a grading system, which provides a comprehensive overview of a student's performance. The grades range from A+ to E, with A+ being the highest grade and E denoting a fail. The grading system allows for a fair and holistic assessment, considering the students' overall performance in different subjects.

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